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Micro Motion™ HPC010P High-Pressure Coriolis Meter, 1/10 Inch (DN2), Nickel Alloy C22 (Obsolete)
This product is now obsolete.
Relevant documents and drawings are listed below.
Contact your local Emerson representative for your measurement needs.
Micro Motion™ HPC010P High-Pressure Coriolis Meter, 1/10 Inch (DN2), Nickel Alloy C22 (Obsolete)


Mass flow accuracy (Liquid)
±0.20% of rate
Mass flow repeatability (Liquid)
±0.10% of rate
Volume flow accuracy (Liquid)
±0.20% of rate
Volume flow repeatability (Liquid)
±0.10% of rate
Density accuracy (Liquid)
±0.005 g/cm³ (5 kg/m³)
Temperature accuracy
±1 °C ±0.5% of reading
Sensor maximum working pressure
15,000 psi (1034 bar)
Meter approvals, calibrations, and certifications

•Ingress Protection
•EMC effects


  • Realize superior performance in high-pressure applications
  • Use one device for reliable and repeatable mass flow, volume flow, density, concentration and temperature measurement
  • Get the best real-world Coriolis performance at operating pressures up to 15,000 psig (1034 barg)
  • Minimize maintenance and boost long-term reliability with no moving parts to wear or replace
  • Maximize uptime using Smart Meter Verification to check system integrity without need to pull meter out of service
  • Accommodate any installation requirement with available two-wire, direct-connect (no transmitter needed), stainless steel and 5700 transmitters
  • Dramatically cut operating expenses by reducing over-injection of high-value chemicals


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