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DeltaV SIS Auxiliary Components
In most cases, DeltaV SIS will connect to either 4-20mA analog signal devices or discrete I/O devices rated up to 500mA per channel.
  Almost all the outputs will be De-energize-to-trip.  However, there will be some output signals that require higher currents and some devices, mainly in fire and gas applications, that require energize-to-trip functionality.  DeltaV SIS auxiliary components allows the DeltaV SIS platform to meet higher-current discrete output requirements while maintaining its field wiring monitoring and ensuring that the relay changes states correctly.


  • Enables diagnostics of field wiring all the way to a high-current discrete end device
  • Monitors that the relay changed state correctly
  • Enables de-energize-to-actuate applications, even with higher current ratings
  • Enables energize-to-actuate applications with current ratings above 500mA


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