When viewing orders status, you can use any of the fields in the Search area to refine your search.
Some information will be provided for each order on display. On each order, click on the ‘down-arrow’ at bottom right to view more detail information associated with the order.
You will be able to see the following information for each order line on the order:
-PO Line Number, Part #, Part Description, Order Qty, Tag #, Requested Ship Date, Promise Ship Date, Estimated Delivery Date, Last Actual Ship Date, Line #, Customer Part #, Shipped Qty, Backordered Qty, Tracking #, Carrier, and Status
-Last Actual Ship Date: If there have been several partial deliveries for a specific part on your order, the date of the last delivery of that specific part will be noted as the Last Actual Ship Date
NOTE: For any partially shipped or completely shipped orders, you can also see Shipped Qty and Tracking information.
When viewing repairs status, you can use any of the fields in the Search area to refine your search.
Certain information such as Tag #, Model #, Serial #, Asset ID, Location, Estimated Ship Date, Actual Ship Date (if shipped back to your facility), Scope of Work, Findings, Recommendations, and current Repair Status will be provided for each repair on display.
Additional information for each repair is provided to you:
-Click on the ‘Test Report’ icon to see documentation prepared for the repair and testing of the asset.
When viewing asset status, you can use any of the fields in the Search area to refine your search.
Certain information such as Asset Status, Asset Type, Tag #, Serial #, Asset ID, Owner of Asset, Manufacturer, and Most Recent Repair date will be provided for each asset on display.
-Simply click ANYWHERE inside the box for a specific asset and you can see expanded information for the asset.
You can see information such as Asset ID, Asset Type, Asset Status, Manufacturer, Model #, Serial #, Tag #, Owner of Asset, Last Repair Date, Next Scheduled Repair, and Description of Maintenance Required
You can also see the repair history for the asset. Certain information such as Tag #, Model #, Serial #, Asset ID, Location, Estimated Ship Date, Actual Ship Date (if shipped back to your facility), Scope of Work, Findings, Recommendations, and current Repair Status will be provided for each repair on display.
Additional information for each repair is provided to you:
-Click on ‘Test Report’ icon to see documentation prepared for the repair and testing of the asset.
We hope you enjoy your experience using your new portal.
If you have any questions please contact us at
[email protected].